
Judge Aileen Cannon Did Her Job

I posted this last week to Facebook, but wanted to put it here as well.

Judge Aileen Cannon did her job, and did it well.

You only think she didn’t if you think that her job had anything to do with justice.

She was put in her position to serve the interests of the 1% wealthiest people, in this country and, if possible, the oligarchs who work with them internationally.

Right now, those people’s best interests (short term, at least, which is all they care about) are served by trump becoming president again, and tearing down all those pesky human rights laws that keep inhibiting their power over the rest of us.

She protected trump from his crimes. Which was exactly the sort of thing she was placed there to do.

Republicans are pulling out all the stops to win this upcoming election. They have changed laws in 38 states to make it harder for the working poor to vote. They have expanded racist gerrymandering, and have a supreme court to make it legal again. They have expanded Cross-check to un-register more minorities from the voter roles.

Despite all their dirty tricks, we beat them last time. We need to defeat the Republican party by a landslide in order to defeat them at all. Any close calls will go to them. Anything races that end up in the supreme court will go to the Republicans.

Judge Aileen Cannon did exactly what the oligarchy hired her to do, and issued a shadow pardon to the man who rubber-stamped her appointment for them, in the hopes that he becomes their puppet once again.

Vote. It’s the only way anything will change.

No, it won’t make everything perfectly fine overnight. No one person, no one decision, no one day is going to save our Democracy. But everything will absolutely get worse without it.

If your vote didn’t matter, they wouldn’t be trying so hard to repress it.

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