
New Home for a Sentence

“A Sentence A Day” was a feature of my previous blog. You can find them all at https://plutherus.dreamwidth.org/tag/asentenceaday

Each day, I take one sentence, in a semi-random manner, from what I have written that day, and share it. Usually it will give some hint about the plot, or current circumstances the characters find themselves in, or sometimes just be something that I thought was funny.

Part of the point of it is to keep myself in the habit of writing every day. My only rule for how much is that I write a single sentence every day (which I’ve been falling behind in in recent months as I keep working on writing-related tasks (like building this blog) that aren’t actually writing. Even if I have no free time, I can at least manage a single sentence. And then, once I’ve written one sentence, I usually find I can write a few more as well.

Since I’m busy writing the first draft of Yagmar the Barbarian, today’s sentence is from there:

#84: “You’re going to have to make a decision about which way to go once we reach Ravens Feast.”

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